Welcome to taste2travel!

A website offering travel content, including guides, quizzes and photography from destinations around the world.

The purpose of taste2travel is to pique one’s curiosity and inspire wanderlust. Enjoy!

Bermuda Travel Guide: A White-tailed Tropicbird or Longtail, landing at it nest.

Bermuda Travel Guide

If you can live with the high costs then Bermuda is a beautiful, engaging and rewarding destination and one not to be missed.

Bai at Aimeliik.

Palau Travel Guide

This remote, pristine Pacific island nation is not cheap nor easy to reach but it should be on everyone's bucket list.

Street Art Guam.

Guam Travel Guide

Surrounded by sleepy, laid-back, Pacific neighbours, Guam is bright lights, big city buzz - Micronesia's version of Hawaii!